Monday, October 15, 2012

my weekend

This weekend was very crazy.  First I had to clean my bathroom which wasn't very exciting.  But then after that I took a shower and went to my friend Kellyns house at first we did facials and plastic masks then we talked for like three hours.  And we had dinner and watched part of a movie and then we put our pajamas on finished the movie while eating dry oatmeal and candy. And went to bed but when Kellyn got up to go to the bathroom the boys came in and poured oatmeal all over kellyns bed I tried to stop them but I was to late (the boys were mad because we left a few pieces of oat meal on their floor).  In the morning we went to church which was crazy.  After church I came home for just enough time to change clothes and get back out the boor to my cousin Hailey's birthday party. It was an awesome glow in the dark roller skating party!  I had fun roller skating and I got to bring home a cool glow in the dark light up cup.  After the party I came home to my other cousins Levi and Landon.  We had fun playing hide and seek in the dark.  But I quit after a little while because I got hurt bad twice.  And that was my crazy fun weekend!

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